Nominated: Willie Morris Award for Southern Writing

2024 Texas Lariat List

Lincoln Award Nominee

A book-banning busybody with a giant chip on her shoulder

Her sworn enemy, a former cheerleading captain out to right old wrongs

A local businessman with a hidden collection of “historical memorabilia”

The postman who knows everyone’s secrets

An international movie star 

His camo-wearing, feral hog-shooting, Bud Light drinking brother

A homicidal homemaker

The town librarian who must stop her from killing

A Confederate general

The high school valedictorian dead set on (literally) taking him down

Randy old folks making up for lost time

A prom queen / feminist revolutionary (she sees no contradiction)

Her foul-mouthed great-grandma who wants all y’all to know she ain’t daffy

And Georgia’s favorite drag queen

All brought together by a little free library and a book of dirty cakes!

Welcome to Troy, Georgia, Home of:

Kirsten Miller has that rare ability to take a serious subject and make it very, very funny. I really enjoyed the book, and you will too.
— James Patterson

The Women of Wild Hill


The Change